(615) 474-5788

Meet The Parents

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Taurus’s loves to play, specifically fetch!

Taurus is our Black male and the father of all of our pups. Taurus weighs 26lbs and stands 17” tall. Taurus is a very loveable dog. Taurus always tries to sit in your lap. If we are working around the house, Taurus will be laying right next to us, and when we move to another room, Taurus will follow right behind. Taurus is a very good alert dog. Taurus will head right to the front door to meet strangers when he hears the Ring of our door bell. Taurus will usually bark at strangers for a few minutes until he knows that they are friendly. Taurus loves to play fetch and tug of war. When Taurus has a toy in his mouth and is running towards the other dogs he will hop like a bunny right over them. Taurus is very smart, and will follow several commands.


Charlie is the curious one.

Charlie is our Salt and Pepper female and mother to our pups. Charlie Weighs 16 lbs and stands 14” tall. Charlie always wants to be in your lap and loves to give kisses. Charlie is very curious, and often times is off in another room exploring. Charlie has been a very good mother to her pups. Charlie is small but likes to assert herself with Lola. Charlie is also a good alert dog, and will run to the front door and bark when we have visitors.



Lola is the watch dog of the group.

Lola is our White female and mother to our pups. Lola weighs 22 lbs and stands 15” tall. Lola is our mischievous dog, and is usually dragging pillows and blankets from the couch. Lola will dart out an open door and will go explore the neighborhood if she can sneak out. Lola’s first litter was 7 healthy pups. Her mothers litters were 7-9 pups. If your looking for a female that might have large litters, this could be it.

Learn More About The Breed!

Miniature Schnauzers