(615) 474-5788
Potty Training

Potty Training Your Miniature Schnauzer

…is easier than you think!

The first thing that is recommended…

is a regular schedule for eating, watering and regular bathroom breaks. First and foremost, it is not recommended that you leave food and water out throughout the day for your puppy. Immediately, upon waking in the morning, before playing or letting your puppy wander around the house, take them outside to a place that will become their daily potty area. Puppies are very smart, and will smell the urine from previous sessions. Carry your puppy from the house, and set them in the grass in the exact location each time. The wet grass alone will stimulate your new pup to urinate. You can wait a bit longer to see if your pup gives you any signs of wanting to go poop, genuinely quickly walking lower to the ground with their nose in the grass sniffing is an indication that poop is on its way. If your pup starts to walk in circles first frontward and then backwards, poop is on its way for sure. Once complete, you can take your pup inside for its first feeding of the day.

Place food and water in their bowls and encourage them to eat. Typically they will eat and drink. After about 10 minutes, take the food and water away from them, and take them back out to the same area to poop and pee again. Between breakfast and lunch take your pup outside to the same area about every 30 minutes to encourage them to pee and poop outside. It is recommended to not feed or water your pup between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Keep an eye on your new pup, having rags, a bucket with clean soapy water, and urine neutralizer handy. If your pup has an accident or you catch them having an accident, say no, and then repeat the word potty as you take them outside to the same area to finish the job. If they have peed or pooped inside, be sure to clean up thoroughly so that the pup is not drawn back to the area by scent to do the deed again. The key to successful potty training is a routine. Again, it is not recommended to give your new pup food and water between their three meals. After dinner about 5-6 take your pup outside to pee and poop, and then repeat 2-4 more times before going to bed. Your new pup should learn to potty outside within 4-8 weeks. You can also reward the positive behavior by providing a tine treat after using the bathroom outside with some warm and soothing encouraging words.

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